The Left and Right Brain: Two Teams, One Player

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The Left and Right Brain: Two Teams, One Player Christina Smith College XXX XXX University Professor XXX The Left and Right Brain: Two Teams, One Player Thirty years ago, it was widely agreed that there were two types of thinkers. A person was either on the Left team or the Right team; the logical or the creative. Even today, the old dogma of left thinkers being better at math, and right thinkers dominating the artistic world is commonplace in schoolrooms and lecture halls. But the brain is much more complicated than just two parts. The science of learning is a maze-like process with twists and turns that has puzzled and impressed scientists and educators alike for years. Nonetheless, recognizing the roles of the left side and right side of the brain is essential to understanding the human's ability to learn. The brain is divided into two halves: the left and right hemispheres, with each processing information differently. According to Slessenger (2011), a person's brain begins developing before they are even born. (At What Stage in the Womb Does a Baby's Brain Start Working, para. 1). Furthermore, scientific research shows that excluding atypical development, a brain develops in a distinct order, with the right side growing first. This order of development is what allows infants to learn at a sensory level and recognize things such as a mother's voice or a musical melody (as cited in Burns, 2011). Abilities such as reading emotions, creativity, music and intuition are a few of the commonly accepted intelligences associated with the right hemisphere. As a child continues to grow, the necessity to handle concepts that are more complex increases. A child must now learn to speak and understand languages, apply critical thinking, to reason out problems, and assign numerical values. These are intelligences that

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