The Last Lecture

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Kelsey Wolsieffer FYS Reflection Heidi Reuter November 29, 2011 The Last Lecture Reflection In his last lecture speech, Randy Pausch discusses and stresses the importance of following your childhood dreams. He incorporates this topic while discussing all he has done throughout his life including the struggle it took to get where he was at that time. Like everyone, Randy faced some rejections, but what made him slightly different was the fact that he never let them get in his way. Randy always got up and kept going to achieve his childhood dream. During my next three and a half years in college there are so many things I would like to accomplish and get to experience. I hope to achieve not only a degree in education, but also the ability to be the best teacher I could be. A degree is only just a piece of paper when taken into consideration, especially when it comes to teaching. It takes a patient, understanding, imaginative and loving person to be a teacher that students will remember for the rest of their lives. Although this is what I hope to do after I graduate, I want to find and take part in everything I can that will help me achieve my goal. Randy’s reference to “brick walls” in his speech is a great way to describe objectives in peoples lives that can either stop them or give them another challenge to overcome. After hearing his speech, I now am able to picture a brick wall in front of me whenever I am stuck in a difficult situation. No one wants to face hardships during life and it may be hard to get through, but what is worse is letting the bad times defeat you. Randy proved that continuing to strive for hopes and dreams will you get to the top. After listening to all Randy has accomplished in his life, it is hard to say that he did not die happy. He is one of the very few people that could say they

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