We were born on it, and we got killed on it, died on it. Even if it’s no good, it’s still ours. That’s what makes it ours – being born on it, working on it, dying on it. That makes ownership, not a paper with numbers on it.” (Steinbeck 33) The farmers feel a connection to the land because they have poured their lives in to it. Losing their land is much more difficult because of all the work they have put in to it.
This unhappiness began to manifest itself in violent opposition from large numbers of peasant, particularly in the wealthier agricultural areas, as they had more to lose to the state that the poorer farmers. Rather than allow their property to go to the collective, these farmers would set fire to their land and slaughter their livestock. These oppositions were dealt with by the dekulakisation squads, who were often ruthless in the way that they eliminated peasant and kulak opposition alike . The government quickly eliminated most of the
Another source writes of the sickness making cultivating the farmland impossible. He says that “We are in great danger for our plantation is very weak by reasons of death and sickness”. This means that means of true recovery were impossible, even the sick had to work in the fields but the numbers were not enough to provide food for the colony. Overall the sickness in the area was an unbelievable hardship at the time. Living continuously and being healthy in the area became more of a hardship around the same time as the sicknesses started increasing.
It was published alongside works of Lange and Taylor whose photographic essay painted a similar picture of the life of the ‘Okies’ . A great misconception created by the book is that of widespread dust storms. In the novel Steinbeck refers to widespread dust storms forcing farmers to tie handkerchieves over their mouths and covering everything . But this was not the case for most of Oklahoma and the only region affected like this was the narrow pan-handle in the far west . This being said all areas of the
Many shed blood and forced them to move west. Many of the Native Americans died of starvation and exposure to weather. This was known as the Trail Of Tears. They had to give up their lands. The people were suffering and dying due to malnourishment.
The science fair will not get you anywhere in life. The Sarge has already planned for Luther to take up the slum housing, even though he does not want to, when Luther wants to be a philosopher. Luther let the Sarge tell him what he wants to do. Luther's mother is determined to make it by milking the system. She's a mean, angry woman who wants Luther to follow in her footsteps.
Society has changed for her because no one sees her the same, she is infected with the plague and many are afraid they will get affected if near her. Her family is now unsafe because they are at risk of losing their mother. With a different witness, The Chinese Farmer, there was also much evidence to support the prosecutors. The Chinese Farmer stated “My family was affected drastically over the attack. The population dropped dramatically and now it is very difficult for myself and many other farmers to sell our crops.
Lieutenant Cross knows that it was because of his carelessness, that Ted Lavender was dead. This is shown on page 346, when O’Brien writes, “He felt shame. He hated himself. He had loved Martha more than his men, and as a consequence, Lavender was now dead, and this was something he would have to carry like a stone
After investigating, high price of lands is the reason that causes this horrible chaos. Due to high price of lands, more and more farmers start losing their jobs. An old farmer who is one of the leaders of this demonstration said that it is impossible for them to load the large payment of lands, and he indicated that those speculators who are from government monopolize the trading of lands, which causes the prices of land keep increasing.
The treatment of slave is worse than I previously thought. It is saddening to learn that the slaveholders valued their slaves no more than they did their livestock. The cruelty inflicted from slaveholders to slaves was despicable. To separate a mother from her children is horrible. To separate the children from their elderly mother who could not look after herself and leave her to die alone in the woods is the most disgusting thing I have read in a long while.