The Juvenile Delinquency and Victimization Population

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The Juvenile Delinquency and Victimization Population One of the most vulnerable populations in our society is children, especially those children that have been identified as delinquents. Juvenile delinquents are a unique population, in that they are in several different categories at one time. One of the categories is as predator; the term delinquent by definition describes criminal or anti-social behaviors on the part of the juvenile. Another category is dependent, as they are dependent on their parents, guardians, or other adults in position of authority to provide for them educationally, financially, and emotionally, in addition to protecting them from harm. Another category is as individual people, who are attempting to become adults. As an advocate for children, more specifically delinquent children, I have several years of experience working with the delinquent youth population. My position in the group home setting has afforded me the opportunity to address juvenile delinquency first hand. While at the same time my position allowed me to provide therapeutic treatment, and to connect the youths with resources needed to correct delinquent behaviors. Additionally, I am instrumental in connecting these youths to services for educational needs, emotional support, and preparedness with independent living skills. My position has made me sensitive to the uniqueness of a population that participates in criminal activities while being victimized. What has become apparent to me is that by the time a juvenile arrives at the group home setting, an astronomical amount of damage has already been done. Although it may seem harsh, discipline is a necessary component in helping our delinquent youths. In my experience these youth are seeking an expression of love through an appropriate form of discipline. The term discipline does not mean physical abuse but correction

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