The Island Setting In English

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The island setting is one of the most mysterious settings. It is just an opportunity for a strange creature to jump out or maybe even finding a plant that you have never come across before, take Lord of the Flies, Robinson Crusoe or Gulliver's Travels. The whole point is that the boys are stranded on an island, alone, with no civilization and no adults and so forth. Since this is rather obvious, it’s more interesting to look at the specific parts of the setting. Golding went to huge lengths to include an enormous amount of detail about the island. He makes sure we know where every action is taking place, and he points out little parts of the scenery early on that will later be hugely important. Sometimes it can have it's drawbacks such as the tempest, by William Shakespeare The setting, enchanting and captivating, profoundly influences the play and becomes much more than a backdrop for the events that unravel. The mention of the sea, the music, the ship, and the stormy waves is significant in that it illustrates the island's many facets, each of which influence the play considerably. Several of the characters imagine themselves as rulers of the island, revealing their true natures. Therefore, the island is a constant source of competition and conflict within the play. Isolation, produced by the island setting, takes its toll on some of the characters, adding much to the plot of the play. Likewise, imprisonment on the island affects the characters and their actions. The island's bodies of water, including the surrounding sea, are also features of the setting that claim a major role in events that occur throughout the play. Finally, the noises and music of the island have important impacts on the play and its characters. The island is a property to be won in the eyes of several characters, and each of their individual visions for the island reveal their inner desires.

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