The Influential Girl Who Became My Wife

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THE INFLUENTIAL GIRL WHO BECAME MY WIFE I watched her as she passed me by. Every day for a moth she would walk by me, 170cm tall weighing approximately 58killograms and with a chocolate brown complexion, she never smiles but always nod hello. The way she moved mesmerized me and I knew I wanted her for my wife. I wanted to change everything in my life to make things right for this woman whose name I do not know. Our jobs caused our paths to cross and this time I said hello. My heart felt weak and my stomach churned as she smiled right at me. It was the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen and the softest voice I heard. Her voice caressed my ears when she said hello. I nearly fell to the ground as she asked are you ok? With my throat now very dry and my lips parched and cracked I managed to say to her yes I will be fine. That was the beginning of a relationship with the most influential person in my life. I was a policeman and had been for over 14years. I left my homeland to a country where the grass appears greener. My initial job was as a security officer. My intention was to work there until I get accepted in the police force, then I would continue with the job I truly love. We started talking that night about our jobs and our surroundings. Eventually I mentioned to her that I noticed she was absent from work for a while. It was then that my dream was shattered. Here she was, the most beautiful girl I ever met, the type of girl I dreamed about all my life. The only woman I wanted to be my wife and she is telling me that “ if I meet a police and he is the last man left on earth I would die without marrying”. I felt crushed but I now have a choice; should I give up on my dream of continuing as a police officer or change career path and pursue the girl. I had to make a decision and it wasn’t an easy one. Our conversations were

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