The Influence of Face Culture on Chinese Luxury Goods Consumption

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The Influence of Face Culture on Chinese Luxury Goods Consumption Cuicui Zhou St. Thomas University December 15, 2010 Abstract The concept of face here is one of the distinguishing cultural phenomena of China, which deeply influences Chinese consumer behavior regarding luxury goods such as food, clothes and transportation and many other aspects of people's lives. This article reveals the relationship between face and consumption. Face represents the social identity in China and luxurious consumption somewhat reflects a person's social status and personal dignity. Thus, Chinese pursuit of face can be achieved by way of consumption. For example, people with numerous luxuries show their own abundant social opulence, and perhaps convey the impression of high social status. In the process of luxurious consumption, people can get the value of face, and enhance their social status at the same time. Keywords: face, luxury goods, consumption, social status, personal dignity Thesis: Chinese luxurious consumption is driven by the motivation of showing off oneself, which is deeply influenced by “face culture”. I. General facts about the face culture and luxurious consumption A. Definition of “face culture” B. Chinese consumer luxurious consumption behavior II. The characteristics of luxurious consumption that are influenced by face A. Personal motivation to flaunt B. Social evaluation through luxury goods III. Conclusion. A. Positive effects for people B. Diverge people from social circle The Influence of Face Culture on Chinese Luxury Goods Consumption According to Arthur Smith, Chinese think face does not signify simply the front part of the head, but is diversity and complexity (as cited in Chhikar , Brodbeck , and Housem , 2007. p.884). St. Amant, a

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