The Influence of Computer Games on People

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The influence of computer games on people Over the last few decades computer games have become impressively popular all over the world. Only well-known MMORPG «World of Warcraft», for example, has 4,000000 official users. That suggests an idea that such kind of entertainment possibly has some impact. Computer games may have certain influence on people as they can prevent the proper development of the brain, provoke addiction, improve memory and develop strategic thinking. Computer games are said to prevent proper brain development. Professor Ryuta Kawashima in 2010 admitted that they stimulate the parts of the brain associated with vision and movement, while other parts do not develop properly. Child that is interested in them sometimes cannot acquire some certain skill as they do not let the brain develop properly. The frontal lobe which is responsible for self-control and stops anti-social violent behavior does not evolve as they prevent it from this. Later player becomes really aggressive and cruel, almost without self-control. One more problem is that person slowly gets interested in the game and spends more and more time playing. Further on, this activity turns into addiction (six out of ten players become addicted). Then one forgets about anything except the game, even about hunger. Little girl in Japan died of exhaustion caused by constant playing. People play without breaks for snack, work or studying. Finally, computer gamer is absolutely unwilling to drop this activity and at this stage addiction is obvious. Apart from this computer games may have positive impact. Actually, as professors of Tohoku University assume, they help person develop his ability to memorize something, pay attention to details and then put them into groups, remember repetitive things. For example, one can keep in memory whole sets of more than twenty images repeated for few

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