“the Influence of Christianity in Beowulf”

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Essay: “The influence of Christianity in Beowulf” “Beowulf” is an epic poem written somewhere between 7th and 9th century A.D. Interesting enough, there is not a lot of selection of Anglo-Saxon literature due to the fact that back those days, not many people knew how to write; therefore, stories like this one were passed from generation to generation orally and “Beowulf” is the most representative work from that epoch. As is already now, during that time the conversion from Paganism to Christianity took place and it affected the way people used to live. Allegedly, when the conversion happened, “Beowulf” epic was put into paper by a Christian monk, and he added Christian elements to it. During this essay we will discuss how Christian elements affected the poem in terms of symbolisms and how Christian elements were smoothly placed so they mixed to the story without looking odd. Why would people wanted to add Christian elements to a work like this? The answer is clear; one cannot change things form the top, but from the bottom. By introducing Christianity in an element so important as it were the stories as a mean of entertainment, people started assimilating all the new elements and doctrine more easily than how they would have done it if it have been imposed. Next, we will list some moments were the mixture of religions can be found: In theory we have that Beowulf is our hero and savior of people just as Jesus was, and that symbolism comes from Christianity, however, we have the very strong paganism element which would be the “killing”, even when our hero saves people he does it by murdering monsters, action that in Christianity is not accepted, so clearly we can see the mixture of both religions. Moreover, even when Beowulf would be the equivalent of Jesus as said before, there are some differences proper from paganism. First we have that Beowulf goes with
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