The Indirect Model of Revelation

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Thomas Cox CF&L The Interpersonal Model Of Revelation Christianity is a revealed religion. Namely the content of Christian faith is a result of God making himself known to humanity. However, if someone were to believe that an infinite reality was to make himself known to someone, what that reality says, how “he” expresses that information, as well as to whom that person was spoken to plays an imperative role in ones faith. It is also just as important to understanding ones faith to know what information was expressed if you yourself were not the one to have Gods self reveled to you. The ultimate problem with revelation is that if God never revealed himself to you directly, you must rely on another person’s experiences and interpretations. That or you must accept that the original/first revelation of God was recorded and kept throughout history, while maintaining perfect and universal translation and interpretation. Also revelation is a paradox, for what is being reviled during it, is something that cannot ever be fully comprehended. There are many interpretations as to how these ideas can be comprehended. The Interpersonal Model of Revelation, also known as the Indirect Model of Revelation, says that the act of revelation is best thought of as a religious experience. Because God is mysterious and of a higher order, the experience itself cannot be fully interpreted because it is like nothing that one could have ever experienced, and therefore human beings are responsible for the interpretation and distribution of this information onto others. The purpose of this revelation according to the model is to establish a relationship between the divine and the mortal. The make up of the revelation is that as time goes on, the sacred and the human will be united. This implies that the so called “truths” of faith are incomplete and that we as humans are constantly
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