The Important Role Of Reconstruction In The United States

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In this paper, the goal is to discuss Reconstruction in the United States. Reconstruction was a very important time in the United States. Reconstruction was America’s rebuilding after the Civil War. The Civil War was America’s turning point and Reconstruction was the beginning of the new United States. The new United States was to be the model for the new nations and the new United States was going to be become the most powerful nation after reconstruction. The timeline of Reconstruction is a very long one. It begins in 1865 and ends in 1879. Throughout this time period the United States changed rapidly. The United States became a new nation with new ideals. During this time there was presidential and congressional plans for reconstruction, the 14th and 15th Amendments, the KKK and Jim Crow, the Compromise of 1877, and the New South. 1865 was the beginning of Reconstruction in the United States. The Thirteenth Amendment was approved in January and was ratified in December and it abolished slavery in the United States. Congress established Freedmen's Bureau in March to provide assistance to the emancipated slaves. The Civil War ends on April 9, 1865. Assassination of President Lincoln, April 15 and Vice President Andrew Johnson becomes president. President…show more content…
Forty-first Congress. Two black members in the House of Representatives including Robert Brown Elliot from the 3rd District in South Carolina. Forty-second Congress. Five black members in the House of Representatives: Benjamin S. Turner of Alabama; Josiah T. Walls of Florida; and Robert Brown Elliot, Joseph H. Rainey and Robert Carlos De Large of South Carolina. Freedmen's Bureau abolished. P. B. S. Pinchback, a black politician, was the first black to serve as a state governor, although due to white resistance, his tenure was extremely short. Robert Smalls, black hero of the Civil War, elected to Congress as representative of South
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