The Importance of Writing - Essay

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Writing has been greatly improved in the last decades, and is still increasing day after day. Writing can be a great tool to help us express ourselves to the rest of the world, communicate with others and know more about the way they think. Although most people consider writing to be less useful than arts, it is essential to keep in mind that writing is the key of change to every living issue. In her legendary “The laugh of Medusa”, Héléne Cixous states that “writing is precisely the very possibility of change, the space that can serve as a springboard for subversive thought, the precursory movement of a transformation of social and cultural structures”. According to this phrase, we can considerably believe that writing can make social, mental and cultural changes in life. Writing is the very access to a social change, because it allows people to develop through the renewal and combination of ideas. No one can make a valuable social change in his life without an approachable and efficient writing knowledge. Thus people can improve themselves and achieve their success through the process of writing by innovating new theories. Writing is the process that gives us the ability to change mental life. Of course there is no more expressive and persuasive way than writing which can build new thoughts and re-create already-existing ones. And that’s why we need to write so that we can be understood and show our way of thinking. Writing gives the opportunity not only to express ourselves but also to criticize and get in touch with others. Writing is the precursory movement of a transformation of social and cultural structures. Some academic researches showed that 75% of university students have a very good skilled writing, so every individual should learn a good writing in order to be part of a social and cultural structure. Moreover, writing makes you more
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