The Importance of Time Management

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Hearing someone tell you that you need to manage your time more wisely might sound a bit redundant, but once you're in college you'll realize that you'll need that skill more than ever, especially when you have to balance classes, work, and a social life. Introduction "Remember that time is money" - Benjamin Franklin 1748, Advice to a Young Tradesman • Time must be explicitly managed, just like money Outline • Why is Time Management Important? • Goals, Priorities, and Planning • TO DO Lists • Scheduling Yourself • Delegation • Meetings • General Advice Why Time Management is Important • "The Time Famine" • Bad time management = stress • This is life advice, not job advice The Problem is Severe • By some estimates, people waste about 2 hours per day. Signs of time wasting: o Messy desk and cluttered (or no) files o can't find things o miss appointments, need to reschedule them o late and/or unprepared for meetings o volunteer to do things other people should do o tired/unable to concentrate Hear me now...Believe me Later... • Being successful doesn't make you manage your time well. • Managing your time well makes you successful. Goals/Priorities/Planning • critical few and the trivial many • Having the courage of your convictions • Good judgement comes from experience • Experience comes from bad judgement Planning is Important • Failing to plan is planning to fail. • Plan Each Day • Plan Each Week • Plan Each Semester Separate Planning from Action • Update your plans • Pause to think, but remember: "Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits" • Musing is not planning TO DO Lists • break things down into small steps • like a child cleaning his/her room The four-quadrant TO DO List (From: The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People: Restoring the Character Ethic, by

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