The Importance of the Nile River

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WHY IS THE NILE RIVER SO IMPORTANT The Nile River was important to the Egyptians because they depended on it for food, water, transportation and their general livelihood. It creates a fertile green valley across the desert which prompted civilization as cities sprung up at the banks of this river due to the fertility of these areas. Nile River is a very important river due to its economic importance in the regions it flows through and the fact that it is the longest river in the world. Egypt has depended on the river for thousands of years dating back to the early civilisation times and most of Egypt historical features are along the river banks. In Uganda, Nile has been utilised for production of Hydro Electric power. It has also been utilised for irrigation and transportation purposes. The Nile river is important because it is a source of water and transportation for the Nile River Valley. The Nile is important because it helped the ancient Egyptians with crops and transportation. Men and cattle will die without the Nile flood. The Nile River provides water to irrigate crops, hydrate in Sahara, build wells, etc. | In the world most of the civilizations flourished only on river banks, so as the case with the Nile River and the Egyptians; it is not only source of life such as crops, drinking water, transportation and other aspects of human life. Egypt also like a desert based country, hence without the Nile River there will be no life in the Egypt. Nile is has assumed double importance since it is situated in the desert land. Nile is source of life- it helps to grow crops in the Egypt and it helped the Egyptians to develop a river based civilization. The Nile was the lifeblood of Egypt. It's annual floods enriched the lands along its shores, and gave Egypt some of the most fertile land in the world. It provided a cheap way to move goods up and down

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