The Importance of the Eye

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The eye is the most important sensory organ; it’s the window to the world and the necessity for an active life. Eyes are windows to the world. Eyesight influences the way in which the world is viewed. No camera is a match for the tasks that eyes are able to perform on a daily basis: they are able to distinguish between light and dark, they can perceive colors, recognize contrasts and adapt to lightning speed to any distance and light conditions. Eyesight is something often taken for granted. Numerous tests and investigations have shown that many people suffer from deficient visual awareness. Many have poor eyesight without even knowing. In most cases, they could often significantly improve their vision without any great expense. Those who suffer from poor vision are constrained in many ways. For example, they have problems reading or watching television, their professional and social life can suffer. The structure of your face helps protect your eyes from injury. Still, injuries can damage your eye, sometimes severely enough that you could lose your vision. Most eye injuries are preventable. The most common type of injury happens when something irritates the outer surface of your eye. Certain jobs such as industrial jobs or hobbies such as carpentry make this type of injury more likely. It's also more likely if you wear contact lenses. Chemicals or heat can burn your eyes. With chemicals, the pain may cause you to close your eyes. This traps the irritant next to the eye and may cause more damage. The human eye explanation is often compared to a camera. The light enters the eye through the pupil (the diaphragm) and the lens of the eye (camera lens) onto the retina (the film). The retina sends electrical signals via the optic nerve to the brain where the image we actually see is formed. The central point on the retina (yellow spot or macula lutea) is the point of

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