The Importance of Technology to Developing Countries

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Importance of Technology to developing countries Throughout history, the development of new technology has been important for both human survival and human progress. We constantly come across situations where our alternatives are either adaptation or survival and one of the main tools which we adapt to changing conditions is with the discovery and completion of new technologies. Another reason we attempt to create new technology is to improve our living conditions as much as possible. Technology is the primary vehicle through which humanity progresses and in the future, technology could serve to get rid of much of the biggest problems facing us such as world hunger, poverty, lack of access to education and other issues. In the general sense of the present day, Science and Technology are the most important parameters and essential tools for the development of any country. If you take a Look at the developed countries, and under-developed / poor countries. The conclusion is very loud and clear. They are extremely essential But at the same time let us not under-estimate the ancient histories of nations that had amazing progress and development in various walks of life. The Indian astrology, astronomy, the math advancements, the Vedas, all are more intuitively explored and propounded by our ancestors, without critical validation in labs etc but never the less true to most extent that Lab verification and proof required by the current practices and regulations of Science & Technology where "proof and provability" Similarly the ancient Egyptian culture, the Mayan n Incas civilization. All said and done only Science & Technology do not fulfill the needs of a society. A deep understanding of the Nature and living in harmony with nature are key to the development of any nation and its people. On the other hand Technology is critically important for

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