The Importance Of Prescription Drugs In The United States

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It has become a fashionable trending topic in the world today pertaining to the legalization of drugs weather they should be legal or not. The government came up with the solution “The U.S drug policy” to prevent the rapid increase of drugs these past decades. But I personally feel that the government should not focus on trying to band and get rid of drugs and focus more on the people that use them. Also if the government is going to restrict drugs they should restrict all of them . Another thing is drugs have both positive and negative affects to them . Trying to stop drugs is physically impossible because people will always find away to get them. Yes the government has a system to patrol and limit drugs from getting in and we do stop some…show more content…
Prescription drugs can get you just as high or even worst then weed. Statistics show that people become more addicted to the drugs they get from there own medicine cabinet then the drugs they buy off the corner drug man. I get how the government wants to try and put an end to crack heads and addicts but that will never happen in the world today cause there are so many ways to get high . The top 5 heavenly drugs are : 1. NICOTINE - millions and millions of people smoke cigarettes everyday that contain nicotine .Did you know smoking tobacco causes chemical and structural changes in the brain and is nicotine illegal... NO ! 2 ALCOHOL - The body can become dependent on alcohol when someone drinks regularly or heavily. constant drinking can cause serious liver problems , once again is alcohol illegal NO ! 3. CAFFEINE - it can cause problems if a person drinks several cups of coffee or other caffeine full drinks a day. Symptoms may include headache, depressed moods, lethargy, nausea and muscle pain or stiffness. Once again is this drug illegal NO ! All of these drugs can do heavy damage and not one of them would ever become illegal

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