The Importance Of Personal Information Security

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Personal Information Security Identity theft is the one of the worst and most prevalent crimes. Thefts usually steal Social Security and credit card numbers. Stealing wallets or dumpster digging is the way criminals have always obtained information about other people. Sharing of electronic and databases have made the crime worse. Because orangaziation are reluctant and failed to reveal incident regarding their customers’ personal financial information may have been stolen, lost, or compromised, laws continue to be passed that force those notifications. Identity theft crimes are normally committed more offline than online, and the victims who retrieved accounts online discovered their discrimination considerably faster than those who relied…show more content…
One of the faster’s way to enter or hack is through social engineering. Social networking websites have grown too fast over years yet the concern website owners fail to keep the users information. In Nepal cases, the cybercriminals usually use the website to find people email addresses as might be available to site. A person needs to hide such information that is available to anyone on website. Example, social engineering is uses by cybercriminal to manipulate the people for the information for a profit. Social engineering is the art of manipulating people into giving up private, private information. When people are targeted, the hackers try to trick users into various ends that range from giving them access to their passwords, bank information, and other sensitive information, to eventually gain access and control over their computer. The risks associated with social engineering are just as serious as the countless hacks and breaches that have been flooding recent headlines as many agencies is now forcing to educate people on this particular issues. Attackers know that most people take security measures for granted and feed off this dependency, which is why understanding what social engineering is, and the types of lures that are usually used, is the first step towards preventing them. The simplest and most effective way to…show more content…
He was stopped over by a police officer who witnessed the transgression. When the police officer checked his information, it was determined that there was a warrant out for his arrest for several prior violations. After his arrest and subsequent trip to the police station, they learned that his Social Security Number was tied to a man who was 49 years old. This young man learned that his identity had been stolen a number of years ago. The identity thief had opened up several businesses in the young man’s name while he was still a child. . Identity theft in the form of new account fraud can happen to anyone with a Social Security Number, which includes virtually anyone with is alive, as well as some who are dead. Social Security Numbers is promptly distributed to many entities: the U.S. Social Security Administration has it .the hospital has it, doctors’ offices have it, the newborn’s insurance company has it, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has it everybody with access to these documents and a computer file has access to it. As the child ages and gets a driver’s license, a first job, or attends college, the number continues to be

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