The Importance of Maths in Eveyday Life

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Reflective statement: Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen • In what ways do time and place matter to this work? • What connections did you find between issues in the work and your own culture and experience? The play “A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen was written in 1870’s in Norway. The time plays a has a major influence of on his work it brings about the position of women in society. He believed that women had every right to be treated equally and have their own individuality. Yet in reality women are constantly being dominated by the male figure. Women were not allowed to have the slightest bit of independence nor educated for responsibilities. This it portrayed though Nora, after her secret was exposed about borrowing money. Mrs. Linde is shocked that Nora’s husband is not aware of this and how did she take a loan when it was forbidden in society eyes to do so without taking the consent of the man who “owned” them. Mrs. Linde was more freer she had all the right to the money she earned and did not to give to the man of the family, but women who had that rare opportunity of employment since it was restricted were poorly paid. In Ibsen’s time women who had illegitimate babies were stigmatized, while the men escape such accusations. The stigma that defined women was homemakers or lower position than a man. Social issues such as this were experienced throughout the world, India included. If we compare both countries specifically during that period on marriage, Hinduism does not approve divorce yet in Norway divorce was available but it carried a social burden. That’s why Trovald would prefer to have a pretend marriage to keep up his appearance than divorce. We see a contrast to Nora’s,Mrs. Linde’s and the Nurse’s character, each have their own role in society. Similarly to the different caste system present in India, but they all have something
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