The Importance Of Lowering The Drinking Age

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“’Come on. Take a drink.’ ‘One drink won’t kill you.’ ‘It’s fun.’ ‘EVERYONE is doing it.’” Most teenagers eighteen years old or younger have probably heard one of these saying one or more times in their lifetime. Lowering the drinking age to eighteen would increase the chances of kids and teens hearing these comments. There are already 11 teens that die each day due to alcohol related crashes. Lowering the drinking age would increase the teen alcohol related car crashes each year. People like to think if you can serve in the war and risk your life you should be old enough to drink. Or since Europeans let their children drink, our American children should be allowed to drink as well. What most people don’t know…show more content…
If the states refused, they would lose money under the Federal Aid Highway Act. (Koroknay-Palicz) Candy Lightneeer is the founder of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), who played a key role in passing the National Minimum Drinking Act of 1984. The National Traffic Highway Safety Administration has said that around 18,220 lives have been saved thanks to a increased drinking age. It is said that 41% of all of the traffic fatalities in the United States, in 2001, were alcohol related. Special interest groups like MADD who want to keep the drinking age at 21 always bring up the idea of lowering the drinking age or to keep it at 21. One of the special interest groups who would like the drinking age to be lowered in LAFAA- Legalize Alcohol for all Adults. There tend to be more people against the lowering of the drinking age. Most are adults who want the drinking age to stay the same. Most children and teens would love the drinking age to be lower. This one group of students is an exception. They are called SADD, or Students Against Drunk Driving. SADD’s approach involves young people delivering education and…show more content…
Brown University. 9 Dec 2008 <>. -Claypool, Jane. Alcohol and you. third. New York: 1997. "Alcohol Policies Project." CSI. 28 Feb 1998. 9 Dec 2008 <>. 1. Jim Hall, Chairman, National Transportation Safety Board, at press conference on the National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, Washington, DC, December 18, 1997. 2. National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), “Traffic Safety Facts 1996: Alcohol,” 1997. 3. NHTSA, “1995 Youth Fatal Crash and Alcohol Facts,” February 1997. 4. New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, “Minimum Legal Purchase Age and Traffic Safety: Facts and Practices,” January 1996. 5. O’Malley, PM and AC Wagenaar, “Effects of Minimum Age Laws on Alcohol Use, Related Behaviors and Traffic Crash Involvement Among American Youth: 1976 - 1987,” Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 52(5):478-491, 1991. 6. Laixuthai, A and F Chaloupka, “Youth Alcohol Use and Public Policy,” Contemporary Policy Issues, 11:70-81, 1993. 7. National Center for Health Statistics, “National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,” 1971-1974 and

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