The Importance of Initial Consultation

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Why is the initial consultation so important? What factors will an ethical therapist cover at this time? The initial consultation is such an important factor in the treatment of clients because it allows an insight in to the client’s needs and reasons for attending for treatment. The more information that can be gleaned at the initial interview the better it will be for the therapist to provide the most effective treatment for that particular individual. The initial consultation is a chance for the person receiving therapy to understand is going to happen during hypnosis and what they can expect from the treatment An initial consultation form could be sent to clients to fill and return before the interview in order to give the therapist a better idea of the questions to ask when they meet. The questions asked in a initial consultation form should cover basic details such as the clients name and address and it is important to remember to ask what name they like to be known by and what is a suitable time to make contact and whether or not it is appropriate to contact them on the numbers given, there are clients who would perhaps not want to be contacted on a work number or in the evening in front of their family and it is important their wishes are respected as a matter of confidentiality. Many people are still wary of this kind of therapy and have misconceptions on how much control they have during the session and a usual concern for clients to have is could they be made to anything they wouldn’t do normally such as cluck like a chicken every time they hear the word lotto. This is a good opportunity to build up a rapport with the client and discuss any fears they might have and to reassure them. The client will often feel vulnerable and is to all intents laying bare inner secrets that would not normally share with a complete stranger so by reassuring
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