The Importance of Good Nutrition in Achieving Optimum Health

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Nutrition has a significant impact on the overall health of an individual. Not only is it experienced physically, but good nutrition aids mental wellbeing and carries over into the individual’s social behaviour (Beaumont, Marsh & Panetta 2011, p.6-8). Having a balanced diet and monitoring the amount of nutrients consumed each day can substantially increase one’s quality of life through reducing instances of illness, treating disorders and assisting frequent exercise in maintaining a healthy body weight as well as having other healing effects (University of Minnesota 2013). There are a number of key nutrients for achieving optimum health. Nutrients are substances which have a number of important roles such as assisting in building tissue and providing the energy used for growth. There are two groups of nutrients: macronutrients, which include carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, and micronutrients, which contain vitamins and minerals. A unique role is carried out by each nutrient. For carbohydrates and lipids, the main function is to present fuel to be used as energy. For proteins, it is to care for cells through various processes of repairing, maintaining and growing them (Beaumont, Marsh & Panetta 2011, pp.172, 177-8). There are thirteen essential vitamins – A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C D, E and K – that the body needs to receive through outside sources, with jobs like helping with cell differentiation or the absorption of other nutrients (Medline Plus 2011). Though there are countless minerals, only a few are considered essential. Calcium and phosphorus which ossify bones and teeth, iodine which works with the thyroid gland to control metabolism and growth and sodium which regulates the ratio of intercellular and extracellular fluids, are examples of these minerals (Beaumont, Marsh & Panetta 2011, pp.182-4). Good nutrition is vital in

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