The Importance of Education

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Jhonatan Rivera Professor Gittens-Bailey English 101 11/12/13 The Importance of Education Important humans have helped develop this planet in a secure and successful way by receiving a great education. Without these great minds human’s plan of life will be more challenging and most activities will be almost impossible to accomplish. In order to keep these fundamental methods of success present many important things need to be reshaped. All children should receive some type of education, schools need to increase their level of education and more monetary funds should be invested in education are some areas where a mandatory alternation needs to be executed. Initially, children should receive some type of education at any cost or circumstance. In the essay “Learning How to Read and Write” by Frederick Douglass the reader acknowledges many important events that the author experienced. For instance, the wonderful opportunity of getting an education. On pg. 275, Douglass wrote “in entering upon the duties of a slaveholder, she does not seem to perceive that I sustained to her the relation of a mere chattel, and that for her to treat me as a human being was not only wrong, but dangerously so.” The part listed above demonstrates that Frederick was a slave during the process of his education. Even though he had to face harsh circumstances, his major goal was to succeed and nothing will stop or banish the desire he presented. Furthermore, the level of education a child receives in school needs to be improved. As the reader scans Douglass essay, an important fact stands out. If it wasn’t for a noble and dedicated woman Frederick Douglass would not have obtained the principles of education he used for future plans. Learning how to read and write is extremely crucial to start in a right path when it comes to continuing an education. In this century, all the
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