The Importance Of Communication In Communication

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The topic has taught me that communication comes in many different forms and exists between many different people. It has been interesting to look at how verbal and non-verbal cues can be used in professional and relaxed environments to convey an idea. Furthermore, it was really helpful to act out some of these situations to see how the same action could be interpreted in a different way depending on how it was executed and who it was executed to. Being forced to analyze yourself and others when interacting with people is a less familiar activity to what I am used to, but has allowed me to look at behaviors I tend to exhibit (such as making jokes) and moderate this aspect in a socially-contextual manner. This idea ties on to the concept of maintaining professional standards in a workplace, and acting appropriately in such environments. Additionally, since the topic is coordinated in a way that demands teamwork, it has been a great way to get to know the other people in the clinical science cohort and to work collaboratively with different kinds of people. In particular, participating in the role play sessions has been helpful in learning to adapt to different situations and step outside of my comfort zone by ‘performing’ in front of a large group of people and given immediate feedback on the performance. A limitation of this is that it is not a real situation and we will come across very difficult situations in real life that we…show more content…
I think that knowing how to make sure the patient feels valued and like they are being listened to is invaluable, so simple things like active listening as opposed to passive listening and learning what sort of physical environment makes people feel most comfortable (i.e. 90-degree positioning of chairs, standing next to a patient rather than in front of them at a hospital bed etc..) were great to
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