The Importance of Charismatic Leadership in Enterprise Development

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Organizational Behavior and Management MGT764-770-Fa14 MENG YUN/Amy 09/02/2014 Topic The importance of charismatic leadership in Enterprise development Introduction In organizational behavior, charismatic leadership is a very important factor, it is a decisive role. Our life isn’t only about physical health, but also about at least two kinds of abilities: The first one is capable of doing things; the second one is having a good interpersonal relationship. Interpersonal relationship is between the person and the person directly in the process of activity of the relationship between psychological or mental distance. Interpersonal relationship reflects individual or group seeks to meet its social needs psychological state, therefore, the change of the relationship a development depends on the extent to which the two sides meet the social needs. People in society is not isolated, the existence of the people is the result of the relationship between various works, it is through interact with others to develop their own, to realize their own value. How can we have a good interpersonal relationship? I think personal charisma is very important. In today's society, the fundamental point of life is to have the charismatic leadership. What is a charismatic leadership? The charismatic leadership refers to a leadership personality, temperament, ability and other characteristics of the sum, also refers to the individual moral quality and can be used as the body of the power and obligation. While leadership charm refers to a person in personality, temperament, ability and moral quality, the attractive force very well. The article analysis Article 1: The effect of procedural justice in the relationship between charismatic leadership and feedback reactions in performance appraisal. This article mainly tells the

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