The Importance of Branding

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Table of Contents Introduction......... 3 Importance and Value of Branding……… 3-4 Licensing……… 4-5 Choosing a Proper Brand name……… 5-7 Branding Strategies……… 7 Tommy’s Tiles………….. 8 Conclusion……… 9 Bibliography……… 10 Marketing and branding, are very closely linked to each other, the importance of branding has an affect on the marketing strategy. Branding is a activity, where an organization uses a name, phrase, design, or symbols, or a combination of all of these in order to identify its products and to distinguish them from their competitors. With branding comes the trade name, which is the company’s name and the trademark which is the logo or symbol that identifies the company and their products. Branding is very important to a company cause if you don’t pick the right name or logo for your company it could result in disaster of your product. There are many things to take into consideration when dealing with the importance of branding such as, the value, licensing, how to go about picking out a good brand name, and many different branding strategies. “Branding is not just advertising, nor is it simply a catchy name for a company or product.” The most important value of a brand name ,which is very difficult to achieve, very expensive, and can easily be destroyed, is value in which it holds for the customer. Customers feel inclined to purchase one product over another due to the logo, the name, The amount of advertising they have seen on the product and the reviews they have heard on it. A few brands that are very popular and get a lot of attention and make lots of money are
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