The Importance Of A Family

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The importance of a family S. Sipuka The reality of family manifests itself at all levels of life and existence. In the plant kingdom it is common to see plants of similar nature growing in close proximity and among other advantages of this closeness is to guarantee the continuity of the species through pollination. A higher purpose of family reveals itself in animal kingdom, where closeness does not only ensure species continuity but also bonds of affection that appear to be essential for the growth and development of the new members of any type of animal pack. Animal behaviour observation testifies to the need of animals to belong, and as demonstrated in animal documentaries, animals that do not belong to a “family” fail to attain to the potential of their nature and eventually they perish. Still a higher purpose of family is clearly revealed among human beings. Even before considering the faith aspect of family, just at natural level, it is evident that family is an essential structure that forms part of being human. Human beings are born with an innate desire to belong. Just make a visit to any orphanage of small babies and you will notice how these beautiful children once you come in will show a longing to be touched, held and cuddled and when you hold them, you will notice how suddenly they become peaceful and start to smile and bubble because they feel bonded. Apart from this need for bonding, support and security which we share with the animal kingdom, for human beings, a family serves as a launching pad for engaging with life and to make meaning of one’s existence. It is in the families where we are grounded about our dignity as human beings and the dignity of others, and it is the family that lays the foundation for the understanding and practice of the values of love, respect, care, hard work, discipline and purposefulness in life. For us

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