The Impact of the Internet on Minds

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The impact of the Internet on minds With the development of computer technology, the Internet is becoming more significant on life. A huge number of information is stored by the Internet. As a very useful tool, Internet has accelerated the speed that users absorb information. By changing the wires in brains, it also changed what users think and how they think. Because the broad use of the Internet, some users have taken too much time on the Internet and become addicted to it. Users are outsourcing their knowledge and information on the Internet. Most of users can no longer remember long articles and contents. The use of the Internet has undermined the memory of the brains. Most of users have a poor performance in long-term memory. Furthermore, the Internet seems to be easily abused. More and more users have become addicted to Internet. They will feel uncomfortable when they leave Nets. Internet users spend more time with their laptops than spend time with their friends, which may also affect social activities. The ability to communicate face to face is undermined by using the Internet. The Internet has increased the efficiency of working. For example, multitaskers can engage in several different works simultaneously on the Internet. Even though multitasking may raise the efficiency, multitaskers have become distracted. They cannot focus on a particular work. The use of the Internet has undermined the ability to concentrate for a period of time. In addition, a research shows that the Internet users have better performance than nonusers in searching information on the Internet. The users also have better brain activity than them. Even though the Internet has enhanced the ability to search information, but it has also lowered the ability to think deeply. The more information users read on the Internet, the less they will think critically, and the quicker they
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