The Impact of Affordable Health Care

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THE IMPACT OF THE AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE ON CANCER Name: Jacqueline Oteng Professor: C. McMillian Class: Interpersonal comm. 1402 Date: 4/21/14 Abstract This paper is written to analyze the effect of the Affordable care act popularly on cancer. In this paper, the study was carefully sustain evidence were collected from other related sources to come into conclusion of how health care would benefit cancer patient. It purpose was to give the victims an affordable and universal health coverage which will also stop insurance companies from denying coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, or deciding not to cover people with high cost diseases and so on. Cancer, however, would be reduced by implementing the preventive measures of the health care people suffering from the disease could also afford to treat it without going broke. Despite much political bickering, the health care gives a much positive outlook for cancer and opening the door for more people who were otherwise condemned to die from cancer to access insurance coverage. Cancer is inarguably one of the most distressing diseases that could impact people. Including all the health problems, cancer affect a lot of people in the world, it takes a toll on peoples lives physically, emotionally and financially. The patient protection and affordable care act also known as the health benefits is a health bill signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2013. As stated in many articles are by far “the most significant piece of social legislation passed in since Medicare was implemented in 1965” (Mason, Leavitt & Chaffee, 2012, p.1). its purpose is to give people affordable and universal health coverage which will also stop insurance companies from denying coverage for people with
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