The Idolization of a Dead Man

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The idolization of a dead man!! By: Zachary Johnson My Dad is one of the many people whom I look up to. We knew for a fact it wasn’t a dream of the fates, for who could dream a while worth of lies and mischief, of my only father dying right in front of me. Not only did it break our hearts, but it also took the very thing I idolize, My Dad. Seeing my mom having a panic attack really stirred me up. She was screaming in stuttered words “Zachary, get in here please.” It scared me because she usually doesn’t say please. That’s when I saw my own dad die. I was terrified by the thought of my dad being gone. I guess even the good has to go too. Not for a wrong doing, but for his time on earth being done. It being a cruel take away, we understood. The idolization of a dead man is what I had to offer to him, although I already admired him for being Great, Trustworthy, and what every Dad can be, a Dad. He was really tired after work, and he would not wake up after he passed out on the couch, but he was breathing then. This was a mistake; He was arguing with mom about how she’s always gone every weekend, how the one woman in his LIFE might be going away forever. That would be a lot to take, from the woman that he was to be with through life and death. What he didn’t know is that my grandmother had been sick and was on chemo, but she’s ok now. Her dad was a diabetic who couldn’t get up, because he doesn’t have any toes. What a life, Huh? He was alive I kept telling mom “We need to call the ambulance, we need to.” But for some reason she just stood there, astounded that the man could sleep through all the screaming and thumping of my brothers prancing around the room like antelope in the meadows. They were screaming and running around saying “Daddy don’t go.” She was scared; the thought of him not waking gave me cold chills all around my
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