The History of Psychological Assessment Test

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The History of Psychological Assessment Test Psychological testing dates back as far as 2200 B.C.E. This was when the Emperor of China would have his government officials’ mental examinations every three years to verify their qualifications for office (Gregory, p. 391, 2007). Tests such as this were updated and developed over centuries until actual written exams were introduced in the Han Dynasty. These testing tactics took their final form when aptitudes in the Confusian Classics were emphasized. (Cohen & Swerlik, p. 38, 2002). The examinations were a little harsh yet thorough by having examiners spend the day in small isolated booths writing essays on assigned topics and writing poems. The test takers who passed the examinations became eligible for public office (Gregory, p. 391, 2007). Psychological tests are similar to psychological assessments but the assessments usually involve a more in-depth evaluation of the test taker. A psychological assessment is the process that gathers and compiles the information from multiple sources such as: ability, intelligence, tests of attitudes or interests, abnormal and normal personality traits, as well as the information received from different kinds of interviews which could be for a job or one of a lunch date to get to know someone. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) has become a frequently used psychological assessment in personality testing. Though it is not considered to be a perfect test, no test really is, the MMPI still remains an important instrument in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. There have been many additions and changes to the assessment over time including the changes in a number of items within the measure such as its validity, supplemental, content scales to improve interpretability of the original

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