The Help Reaction Paper

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27 March 2012 CIN 140-002 The Help Tate Taylor The theme or meaning of the film The Help is that all human are created equal. The color of our skin should not determine whether or not we use the same restrooms. Tate Taylor emphasizes the criticism and injustice the “help” or rather maids receive from their superiors with his use of mise-en-scene. His use of sound such as non-diegetic element in the film adds to the emotion the actors are feeling at that moment in time. Another noticeable element that Tate uses in the film is the dominance one character has over the other in specific scenes. Tate Taylor’s use of mise-en-scene helps to view the expressions coming from the characters of the film. His extensive use of foreground and background elements allow the audience to see the disapproval the maids constantly receiving from their bosses. In one particular scene where it was dark and raining, Minny was in dire need of using the toilet, unfortunately the maids must use a separate bathroom that would force her to go outside in bad weather. Hilly was opposed to having her use the inside restroom but Minny went ahead and used it anyway. The dark lighting emphasizes the negativity in MInny’s actions causing her to lose her job and that was understood. The sound used in The Help was non-diegetic but helped to feel what the character in the film were feeling at that exact moment. One song that stood out more than the others was at the end of the film. Aibileen was accused of stealing silver and as she tries to prove her innocence to gives Hilly a piece of her mind, letting her know she is godless and will never be at peace with life. As Aibileen leaves to start a fresh life, “The Living Proof” begins to play and the first words are “It's gonna be a long long journey,” which is exactly how her life is going to be. Taylor makes it very clear as to who
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