The Hazards Of Going To France

808 Words4 Pages
The hazards of going to France. I am a travel fanatic. Whenever my friends want to know what winter clothes they should bring to Russia or what they should visit in New Zealand to catch a glimpse of the picturesque landscape, they turn to me. The reason is straightforward and simple; I travel around the globe so much that most, if not all, of the travel agencies find my face familiar. After travelling to nearly every corner of the world, I have nevertheless gained lots of invaluable experience. If one day, a friend takes a different approach to ask me to advise him on which country not to visit, the first answer that flashes across my mind will definitely be France. The problems in communicating with the French, forcing yourself to devour their “delicious cuisines” and the weather in France are sufficient reasons to make me determined never to visit this place again. First of all, communicating with the French will pose a big problem in France. Once you open your mouth to ask the French for directions, the reply is always in French. No matter what gestures you give to show that you don’t understand what they are talking about, they just continue to rave on and on ceaselessly. Worst of all, they glare at you when you try to interrupt them at intervals. Even if you do have some French fundamentals and are able to comprehend them, they will find every opportunity to correct your pronunciation errors and make you say it over and over again till you get them right. Call them enthusiastic or warm-hearted, but I feel that they are rude and eccentric. Who has so much leisure time to correct the pronunciation of a stranger? And despite the fact that most French can speak English as a second language, few will use it to converse with you. Their unwavering reluctance never changes even though you bear the distinct and distinguishable appearance of a
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