The Haunted House At Christmas

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The Haunted House at Christmas It was December 25th 2009, Christmas day and there were two boys called Jim and John. Jim was skinny, he had scruffy clothes and his toes were sticking out of his old, smelly, holey shoes. John, who was big and muscular, had nice clothes, and his family had a lot more money than Jim's. None of the boys got anything good for Christmas, so they were bored. John got a old, green, woolly jumper that smelled of urine it was probably bought from a second hand shop, he also got three hundred pounds, but he couldn't spend it while boxing day, because all the shops were closed. Jim got an ancient, old fashioned television that still displayed in black and white and didn't have any signal. It needed repairing as every time you switched it on, after a while it would turn it self onto standby. Jim decided he was going to John's house, he went into the hallway and put his holey shoes on and his white jacket that smelt like manure and looked brown, because it was covered in that much dirt . Jim just stood for a moment remembering the time when he enjoyed Christmas, when he used to smell nice and when he had nice clothes. It would have still been the same if his dad hadn't lost his job, and went on the dole. He opened the door and stepped out onto the soft, white, glimmering snow, his feet sunk into the snow like it was quick sand, he could feel ice submerge through his smelly sock like an ice cube melting. His hands began to change red like tomatoes, they were that cold he couldn't even feel them. He ran like the wind across his driveway and down the road, waiting till he got to number 57 Pinewood lane, the streets were like a ghost town everybody were inside enjoying Christmas except from poor old Jim out in the freezing cold, trying to get to his friends house. He finally arrived at john's house it took him two minutes to get there. As he

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