The Happy Prince

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The happy prince NARRATOR: Once upon a time there was a very generous prince with poor people , when he died, a statue of him was made covered with precious stones and gold. A swallow that was going to Egypt stopped under the statue. SWALLOW: Oh it is starting to rain but the Sun is shining and the sky is not cloudy THE HAPPY PRINCE: Sorry it is me I am crying because there are a lot of poor people suffering around me. Now I am a statue I cannot move. Can you help me to give my gold and my precious stones to poor people? I do not need them anymore. SWALLOW:OK but I must go as soon as possible with my sisters because is winter THE HAPPY PRINCE: Thank you very much NARRATOR: The swallow started to hand out the precious stones to different people: a woman with an ill son, a writer, a little match girl and when the precious stones were finished, the gold was given to poor people. THE HAPPY PRINCE: You have finished swallow, now you can go with your sisters SWALLOW: No my prince, you are blind and I will stay with you forever NARRATOR: Next day the mayor and his guard looked at the statue and the swallow´s dead body, they decided to destroy the statue and throw both to the trash but the prince´s heart and the swallow´s body remained together. God told an angel to take the two most beautiful things in the world and when the angel saw the happy prince´s heart and the swallow´s dead body he took them to Heaven as a proof of beauty. THE
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