The Greenhouse Effect

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The Greenhouse Effect A gentleman discovered the effect in 1824 named Joseph Fourier. Without the greenhouse effect earth would be a giant piece of ice. Some of you may have heard of the “greenhouse effect” because it is usually brought up when talking about global warming. The theory is pretty simple, heat is brought down from the sun, it bounces back off of the ground, and is reflected once again through greenhouse gases. “greenhouse gases” are gases such as carbon dioxide (which makes up 50% of the atmosphere, methane and water. The greenhouse effect traps in heat, which keeps us warm. Examples that are comparable to this subject would be putting a cup on hot coffee or putting blankets on a cold person. These gases are being reflected by the ground and reverse the direction. Over the years greenhouse gases have exceeded the regular rate, having more nitride oxide and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere heats up the earth more rapidly and does not let heat escape. When doing this this actually hurts the ocean and causes ocean water to evaporate more quickly. By adding more greenhouses gases through power plants, factory’s and cars which we have altered the natural cycle. By doing so the earth is getting warmer. Why we call it the “Greenhouse Effect” In 1824 Joseph Fourier named it the greenhouse effect because it used the same principle. Heat comes from above goes through the greenhouse gases (in this case plexi-glass) and heat is trapped within the surface to keep everything stay hot. How we can help this The amount of C02 could be deplinished by planting more trees and plants, but as earth continually gets bigger we are doing the opposite. We are making room but cutting down trees and replacing trees with power plants, roadways. Taking the metro station would help cut down on green gases and also using renewable source instead of fossil fuels will help.
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