The Great Santini

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The Great Santini The movie “The Great Santini” portrays a military family struggling to have a normal life. Bull the father in the movie is not able to differentiate between his life in the military and his life at home. His wife Lillian is the model mother who fights to keep her family together as they face countless situations. Bull’s children longed for the approval and love of their father. Ironically enough although Bull portrayed a man with a superiority complex he was a man who feared being anything less than perfect and always in control. Lillian Meechum a unique character in the movie “The Great Santini,” plays an important role as the wife of Pilot Bull Meechum. Strong and loving mother of four, Lillian struggles to keep her family together and to relieve the tension Bull inflicts on their family. Due to the military influences Bull and his family resembles what he believes is a model family structure. Lillian Meechum in the absence of Bull is a strong and active mother, devoted to her children’s education, activities, and needs. The children feel more secure, loved, and protected when Lillian is the head of their family. The interaction with Ben her eldest child is truly unique. Ben is her shoulder in hard times and is the person she can trust. Lillian also feels the need to always be perceived as a strong, moral, and religiously devoted. We believe Lillian is both a mother and father figure to her kids. Since Bull is often away she needs to manage to keep her family together. Lillian’s presence shines the most when Bull is not home. In the Bull regiment Lillian becomes this silent, no opinion, and active duty marine soldier. Including her and her children is part of a military squad when Bull is home. Lillian becomes submissive, non active, and defensive. Bull’s character is highly competitive and has put his family in some ordeal.

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