The Glass Menagerie

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Abdoulaye Diaite Professor Weiss English 1020 13 March2013 The Glass Menagerie In his play “ The Glass Menagerie “(Tennessee Williams) one can definitely argue that the mother Amanda Wingfield play a pivotal role. The all play was about her concept of life and how each member her family should be abides through her vision. The play goes by that Mrs. Winfield wanted that her daughter Miss Laura the opportunity to be visit by a gentleman caller or gentlemen callers like when she was at her age. She always advise her to get ready for this gentlemen Callers” I want you to be stay fresh and pretty for gentlemen callers”( 1617). And one of best boost is the day in the Blue Mountain when she received seventeen of them because she was always pretty and“ I understood conversation” (1617). After her husband felt it was imperative that she became the mother and father of her children which was an giants task back then . One must remember that those days women were Almost regulate as second citizen, therefore to maintain a good household one have to be strong. To her Son Tom, she was always behind him with his drinking and smoking. In these dialogues you can hear Mrs. Winfield on Tom tail “Tom: I am getting cigarette; Amanda: you smoke too much” (1616). “Amanda: Where are going? Tom: I’m going to the movies! Amanda: I don’t believed .Tom like his father whenever an argument surge he goes hide behind the
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