The Girl Who Slept Through Christmas

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The Girl Who Slept Through Christmas Once upon a time, there was a girl named Melody who felt like she held the world upon her shoulders. Melody lived with her five brothers and sisters, her parents, and both sets of grandparents. To say that she had a large family was an understatement. Out of all the people who lived with Melody, she was the only one who went to school, had a job, and provided for the family. Her mother cared for the children and the grandparents, but she did not know how to cook or clean, so that was Melody’s job. Her father was too kind hearted to work for money, so instead he volunteered. Getting an income became Melody’s job. Melody loved her family with all her heart, but she wished that they would help her at least a little. Out of all the holidays in the entire year, Christmas was Melody’s favorite. She loved the togetherness and the holiday spirit. The thing that she loved the most about Christmas though, was how everyone in the family helped with everything that had to get done. Family love radiated from their household in a similar way to if the sun was squeezed in a box. The light of the sun would find holes in the box to shine through, making it seem as though the box itself was glowing. Her house glowed with a comparable warmth and love. Melody’s least favorite part of the entire year though, was the days leading up to Christmas Eve. In between school, homework, cooking, cleaning, and making sure that her family had enough money to make it through the week, Melody barely had any time to get ready for Christmas. In years past, Melody had changed her daily schedule so that in the time that she would usually be doing homework, she was preparing for Christmas, and in the time that she would usually be sleeping, she was doing homework. In the two weeks leading up to Christmas, she would chop her regular six hours of sleep a day in

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