The Gatlin Gun

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Dr. Richard J. Gatling was born September 12, 1818 in Hertford Count, North Carolina. He is the son to a man who has two patents of his own and is also a planter. In 1861 Dr. Gatling designed the first Gatling gun and it was not until 1862 that he had it patented. The Gatling gun is a six barreled weapon that has the ability to fire 200 rounds per minute. It is a hand-driven, crank operated, multi barrel machine gun. Gatling said that, “he created the gun to reduce the size of armies and at the same time it would reduce the number of deaths due to having less men needed for combat.” Although, the first Gatling gun was able to fire continuously, it required a person to crank it, therefore it wasn’t considered a true automatic weapon, that honor went to the Maxim gun. The Maxim was invented in 1884. Once the Maxim fired a round the recoil was used to reload the weapon so it could be fired again. Yet still, the Gatling gun was a huge step in revolutionary weapons technology. Prior to the Gatling gun, the only weapons that were available to militaries were mass-firing volley weapons of 1870 and 1871 or field cannons, which fired canisters like a large shotgun. The last were widely used during and after the Napoleonic Wars. Even though the maximum rate of fire was increased by firing multiple rounds at the same time, these weapons still needed to be reloaded after each discharge and for multi-barrel systems like the volley weapons, this was very time consuming. It also negated much of the advantage of their high rate of fire per discharge which made them less powerful during combat situations. In comparison, the Gatling gun offered a rapid and continuous rate of fire without having to manually reload by opening the breech. (809 Words) The Gatling gun’s innovation was neither in the rotating mechanism nor in the use of multiple barrels, which allowed
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