The Fundamental Natural of Employment Relationship

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The fundamental natural of employment relationship This paper is mainly to discuss and analyse the fundamental natural of employment relationship and how to resolve the conflicts between employee and employer though the term study log. The first part is to discuss what is employment relationship and use four frames of references to analyse the nature of employment relationship and my own position. Second part is to propose a solution to the conflict from pluralism. It is vital to identify what is employee relationship before discuss the nature. There are different perspective to describe employee relationship, like, social exchange, justice, industrial relations, legal and economics (Coy-shapiro el al. 2004) and Rousseau (1995) points out that social exchange is a dominant theory to study employee relationship. Gospel and Palmer (1993: 3) define the employment relationship as ‘an economic, social and political relationship in which employees provide manual and mental labour in exchange for rewards allotted by employers’. Homan (1958) implies that individuals in the exchange process always attempt to maximum their own profit. Then it is natural that there is interest conflict between two sides: employer and employee. At first when I heard employment relationship and figure out the frames, I preferred unitralism. There are different perspectives towards this conflict. Fox (1966) first comes up with the frame of reference of employee relationship to categorise people’s different opinion toward employee relationship, which are unitarism, pluralism and marxism. If people is a unitarist, they hold the perspective that employer and employee have common interest in the survival of their organization on condition that employer must remove the sources of conflict, like equal recruitment and promotion system, or effective communication system and so forth. (Abbott, 2006).
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