The Forgotten Group Member

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The Forgotten Group Member GM591 Organizational Behavior Table of Contents Part I: Group Development pg. 3 Part II: Problem Identification pg. 4 Part III: Retrospective Evaluation pg. 5 Part IV: Reflection pg. 5 Works Cited pg. 7 Part 1: Group Development: The Forgotten Group Member case study is a prime example of how lack of communication and progress in the stages of group development can lead to an underachieving group effort in a project. In this case, the team never really got past the forming stage. In the forming stage group members should get to know each other, find out how they can contribute, how needs can be met, and what the group can offer them. They also are “discovering what is considered acceptable behavior” in the group (Schermerhorn 156). Having a clear understanding of each member’s roles would have assisted in completing the storming stage. The storming stage is characterized by “high emotionality and tension among group members (Schermerhorn 156).” In order to get overcome the high tensions, the group needs to address any problems they encounter right away. Outside demands such as work or personal issues can create stress among members. Group members should strive to achieve interpersonal relationships in order to provide support to one another and overcome any outside issues. The third stage in the norming stage. This is the stage where “members start to work together as a coordinated team (Schermerhorn 157).” There were some signs of the group working in this stage such as, frequent meeting and the unofficial meeting in the cafeteria. Group members were

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