The Fire Tetrahedron

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Fire is a complex reaction that occurs naturally. Due to its complex nature, science has done its best to decipher its needs and it life cycle to better understand it. These findings are known as the fire theories. There are three different theories: The Fire Triangle, The Fire tetrahedron, and The Life Cycle of Fire. The fire triangle is made of three parts, these parts are necessary for fire to occur and be sustained. These parts are: Heat, Fuel, and Oxygen. Fire can not exist without all three parts of the proper amounts. This is considered the “real world” necessities of fire, for example a burning log in a camp fire. Heat is needed to start and continue a fire. The heat causes the fuel to break down in a process called pyrolysis, in which the fuel is taken from a solid state of matter to a gaseous state. It is the gasses that burn, not the solid or liquid matter. The next part of the fire triangle is oxygen. Oxygen is not actually pure oxygen; it’s the ambient air which is roughly 15-21% oxygen, depending on altitude and pollution. Now one could argue that the oxygen is the most important part of the fire triangle because fire is the rapid oxidization of a material. Of course there wouldn’t be any fire with out the fuel, or the oxygen but I made my point. The last part of the fire triangle is fuel. The fuel is what’s being oxidized. For example a burning log is undergoing pyrolysis and is turning into a vapor. The process of turning a liquid into a gas is called vaporization and is the same concept as pyrolysis, except it generally requires less heat. An example of that is water left out in room temperature will slowly evaporate, where a piece of wood will not. The next theory is the fire tetrahedron. This theory is used in laboratories where the elements can be controlled. The tetrahedron is the same as the fire triangle except it adds a part: the

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