The Ethicality Of Physician Assisted Suicide

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Stephanie Narramore PHIL 2306 November 24, 2014 Physician Assisted Suicide Physician assisted suicide is unethical and should be illegal. Sanctioning physician assisted suicide would violate the rights of physicians as well as violate the physician’s oath. The Hippocratic Oath that physicians take require them to swear upon and uphold specific ethical standards. Physicians have an ethical duty to heal and prolong life. Physician assisted suicide (PAS) is the exact opposite of a physician’s professional duty. Physicians want to be looked at by society as a healer, not a killer. The oath is what keeps doctors from accepting PAS. They must do anything in their power to heal a patient and in no way will they lessen the amount of life…show more content…
“Almost all who commit suicide have mental health problems”, states Burke J. Balch, J.D. People in favor of PAS argue that society should respect and defer to the freedom of choice. If they choose to want to die then we should help them in their plight. The problem lies in the issue of if PAS becomes a legal right then those seeking to avoid problems, pain, and depression would be legally entitled to be left alone to do an act in a manner that is irreversible and to make an assessment that is their own distortion forgoing any genuine help. There is absolute empirical evidence through studies and years of experience that an attempt at suicide is often a challenge to see if anyone really is listening or cares about the individual seeking help. “In fact, studies have indicated that 93-94% of those committing suicide suffer from some identifiable mental disorder”. Legalizing PAS would open the door for people with mental illness to end a life that has worth, meaning and value. Society would view life as worthless if an individual is not fully productive and interacting within its own society. There has never been a so-called “duty to die” and the law is what teaches us what is right and wrong. We have a duty to recognize this ambivalent behavior in individuals and intervene with psychological help. Most disorders can be treated and can be often dissolved or resolved given…show more content…
When a doctor is asked by a patient to help them end their life it is done with the assistance of the physician. Suicide is done without involving anyone else. Physician assisted suicide is clearly involving another person. It is a social distinction between two individuals. Thus, PAS is no longer an issue of self-determination. You put a great deal of power as well as stress and anxiety into the hands of the physician with regards to your own life. If you want to commit suicide don’t ask another individual to assist you, do it yourself. In addition to self-determination proponents of physician assisted suicide claim that physicians have a duty to ease human suffering. Assisting patients to end their lives is more humane than letting them suffer. When the patient is in excruciating pain and they find their existence intolerable then we as a society should help them end their suffering and allow them a peaceful death. “By means of providing the prescription necessary, a doctor can allow a terminally ill patient to end his or her life in a safe, effective, and painless
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