The Elegant Universe Analysis

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Non-fiction Response Form- The Elegant Universe 1) The Elegant Universe has 387 pages and the author is Brian Greene. 2) The main topic of The Elegant Universe is string theory. String theory is a branch of physics that attempts to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics. 3) I have not read any other piece of literature having to do with string theory, nor by Brian Greene, before choosing to read this book. I chose this book because I was interested in learning something new, and modern physics seemed like an interesting topic. 4) The Elegant Universe contains five different sections, called parts. In part 1 Greene gives a brief introduction to super symmetric string theory (string theory for short), and explains that it arises form the incompatibility of quantum mechanics and the theory of general relativity. In part 2 the book goes on to explain the basic principles of general relativity, quantum mechanics, and the complications that arise when the two are put together. Relativity is used to make large observations, such as measuring galaxies and other large cosmological bodies with powerful observatories. Quantum mechanics is used to make small observations, such as measuring sub-atomic collisions in a particle accelerator or studying the nature of tiny atoms and their smaller constituents. When we attempt to combine these two laws of physics we are left with a universe that contradicts itself. In part 3 Greene explains the details of how string theory works. He explains the most basic constituents of string theory, one-dimensional, oscillating loops that replace the point-particles of the standard model. These are called strings. He also gives a brief history of string theory, which began in the 1970s and since then has gone through many revolutions. In this sections Greene also explains in great detail string theory’s 10 or 11
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