The Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession

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The Effects of Technology on the Accounting Profession The boom of the computer age has completely changed accounting information systems by the way that the age of the calculator and pencil has ended. In the past, an accountant had to crunch numbers but today they primarily use computer programs to do the bulk of the work. With the advancement of accounting technology, the accountant and the accounting profession will have to strive to keep pace the modern tools ever changing technologies. Although the changes may take time to put into effect for larger corporations the benefit of faster reporting and an increase in productivity will more than pay for time it takes to change to the new systems. There are numerous companies that have and will continue to compete with one another in developing accounting software that have permanently changed the face of accounting and the way an accountant attacks his or her responsibilities to advance their careers. According to "Technology Advances Mean The Accountancy Profession Must Adapt To Thrive" (2013), “The profession needs to shape their technological future rather than be shaped by it. The profession needs to be proactive; the changes ahead are an opportunity for them to redefine their role and the extent to which they are involved in short and long-term technology related decisions. They need to adapt to survive – hence the digital Darwinism title for this extensive report.” (para. 9). To some the old ways of doing things is still the right way but as the future becomes the present more companies, both large and small, are moving away from paper records and into the digital age. Whether or not it is a question of they want to or they have to change to be able to compete on today’s market According to "Technology Advances Mean The Accountancy Profession Must Adapt To Thrive” (2013), “Accountants and finance

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