The Effects of Smoking Cigarettes

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Topic:The effects of smoking cigarettes Outline I.Topic sentence: Respiratory Disease, the stench of cigarette smoke and yellow teeth are problems that result from smoking cigarettes II. Subject development: EFFECT1: Respiratory Disease Smoking can cause lung disease by damaging your airways Example: _Cigarette smoking causes most cases of lung cancer _Smokers are 12 to 13 times more likely to die than nonsmokers EFFECT2:The stench of cigarette smoke – mui hoi thoi cua khoi thuoc _the non-smokers hate the most, is that it permeates everything around it _The stench of cigarette smoke is very penetrating and hard to remove. Example: Smokers usually have smelly hair, breath, clothes, and, if they smoke indoors, a smelly room EFFECT3: Yellow teeth this effect is long term, most people are not aware of it when they begin smoking The truth is that a cigarette stain is very hard to eliminate from the teeth, and it will probably end up costing a considerable amount of money. Yellow teeth are disgusting because they give an unhygienic image and make people look older. III.Concluding sentence: These are only three out of many other effects that cigarette smoking can have, but to any sensible person they are more than enough to realize that smoking is bad . Paragraph: Respiratory Disease, the stench of cigarette smoke and yellow teeth are problems that result from smoking cigarettes. First , Smoking can cause lung disease by damaging your airways. Example:Cigarette smoking causes most cases of lung cancer. Smokers are 12 to 13 times more likely to die than nonsmokers. The second effect of cigarette smoking, and probably the one that the non-smokers hate the most, is that it permeates everything around it. The stench of cigarette smoke is very penetrating and hard to remove. Even if the person quits

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