The Effects of Population Growth

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Throughout the years, the world has shown quite a big difference regarding demographic changes. Through the decades, the human population has transformed vastly, as the number of people on the planet has increased tenfold comparing to the amount of humans centuries ago. Some say that humans are to reproduce in order to maintain the constant workforce to reassure productivity in all aspects; however, is such a huge growth of population necessarily beneficial for the world? Although a big workforce to contribute to human progress might be beneficial to an extent; nevertheless, there will come a point where the population will far exceed the natural resources necessary to sustain it. As population growth nears the carrying capacity of the planet, there will no longer be enough space to provide each and every individual with sufficient living space. Overcrowding will imminently become a major problem within the world and many diseases will surface due to that factor. Additionally, since human beings are the ones to leave the biggest scar to the environment, an increase in human population would only cause wide-spread pollution to all areas of the globe. Overpopulation remains a major problem since it speeds up the extinction of certain species and destroys a variety of environments in the world. According to Earth Talk, “population growth since 1950 is behind the clearing of 80 percent of rainforests, the loss of tens of thousands of plant and wildlife species, an increase in greenhouse gas emissions of some 400 percent and the development or commercialization of as much as half of the Earth’s surface land.” (Earth Talk n.d.). Human activities are the main source of destruction for natural environments all around. Since paper and other materials that require trees to produce remain a primary source of human needs, many rainforests suffered deforestation. People need
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