The Effects of Hippocampus Lesions on Distraction When Running

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The Effects of 2 Abstract The purpose of this study was to see if lesions on the bi lateral ventral hippocampus had any effect on distraction when running. According to a study done by Alfred Raphelson, Robert Isaacson, and Robert Douglas (1965), “animals with destruction restricted to the dorsal hippocampus and animals with damage of the septal area were less distracted on 1st presentation of the distracting stimuli but recovered former running speeds more quickly than control groups.” We hypothesize that if the animal is leisoned it will not stop running if a bell is rung, and an unleisoned animal will stop running if a bell is rung. However the two experimental lesioned subjects died. Our controls subject survived and when we put him in the runway and exposed it to a stimulus he kept on running disproving our hypothesis. The Effects of 3 The Effects of Hippocampus Lesions on Distraction When Running In our study we are testing if the auditory stimulus of a ringing bell will distract an experimental subject that has been lesioned on the left and right hippocampus when running. We are also testing an experimental subject that has been operated on but not lesioned. Method Subjects Three male rats weighing between 390 and 488 g at the time of surgery were used as subjects. All subjects were housed in individual wire cages. Apparatus For our experiment we used a wooden runway with a start box at one end and we put pieces of plexi glass on top of the runway when the subjects were in it. We also used a bell and a small ceramic bowl with mash and sugar in it. Procedure Surgery The first subject was anesthetized with 1.10 cc, the second with 1.38 cc, and the third with .45 cc of Katamine-Xylazine. Then the subject’s head was shaved and mounted in a stereotaxic frame. An incision was made in the scalp and retracted. Then two small holes
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