The Effect of Western Food

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The Effect of Western Food Neal Barnard says, “ Chicken fat, beef fat, fish fat, fried foods - these are the foods that fuel our fat genes by giving them raw materials for building body fat.” Do you realize that how much fats we consumed every day, building our body fat and imagine how many diseases we can invite. According to new study from researchers of University of Minnesota, School of Public Health, Singaporeans who ate Western-style fast food at least twice a week were found to be 27 percents more likely to develop diabetes and 56 percents are more likely to die from heart diseases. Therefore, many of us are most likely to eat Western-style fast food for almost every day and we should know how that will affect us. The major disease people may get from this consuming is heart-attack because mostly the Western-style foods are processed and they contain lots of cholesterol. Now I will begin with the types of diseases. There are many types of diseases that may affect one’s health while consuming a lot of fats. The major types of diseases that are affected from consuming a lot of Western-style food are heart-attack, obesity, and diabetes. It is a well-known; obesity and diabetes are some of the leading risk factors for heart disease. This is because the obesity is happened from consuming a lot of fats and lots of sugar contains also lead to a dangerous disease that is diabetes. “ In recent years, many experts (though not all) have pointed their fingers at diets with a high glycemic index (GI) as a main culprit behind the obesity epidemic as well as an epidemic of insulin resistance, a core problem in type 2 diabetes. The GI is a measure of how much the carbohydrate in a food raises blood sugar. When you eat foods that cause a steep rise in blood sugar, your body churns out of lot of insulin to "process" that blood sugar and get it out of the

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